Welcome to our Church!

Worship is the center of our lives as Christians. Through worship, we experience the grace, forgiveness, and joy that Christ alone offers. As Lutherans, this worship is grounded in Word and Sacrament.

When you worship with us, you can expect a warm welcome. You can expect to hear the sound of children throughout the service, because we believe children should be in church, and we welcome their joyful noises and God-given energy. We also provide a nursery if you or your little one needs a change of pace. You can expect people in jeans and suits, young and old, families and single folks. We believe all people have a place at God’s table, and we do our best to make that happen.

Every Sunday, we celebrate Holy Communion which is the body and blood of Christ, in, with, and under the forms of bread and wine. All baptized and instructed Christians are welcome to the table. Those not yet baptized or have not yet received age-appropriate instruction are invited to the table for a blessing.

Our worship also follows the basic liturgy of the Western church. True to our Lutheran heritage, throughout all of our worship, we sing gloriously of God’s saving grace! Each time we worship we begin in song, confession, and forgiveness. After a children’s message, we read Scripture together and then hear God’s Word proclaimed to us in a sermon. We confess our faith in the words of the creeds and pray for the church, the world, and all in need. We celebrate communion and are then sent into the world to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8) 

The Spirit of God is among us! So, please come and worship with us!

Our History

Living God Lutheran Church started as a mission start in 1991, with Rev. Richard Grove its first pastor. The congregation officially organized in 1993, and worshipped at two elementary schools until 2001 when construction on the current building was complete.

Rev. Grove retired in 2004, and following the interims of Rev. Paul Townsend and Rev. Bill Braun, Rev. Rich Moore was called as the new pastor in 2005. Rev. Moore served Living God until 2014. The congregation was then led by Rev. Dave Mueller and Rev. John Carlson until it called Rev. Dr. Justin Nickel in the fall of 2018 till spring of 2020.

Living God is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and a member of the Southeastern Synod of Pennsylvania.